Perhaps the portrait is, despite its technical and psychological difficulty, the most common artistic representation from the very beginnings of art until our days.
We painters know that a portrait immediately betrays the bad artist, but the opposite could also be true. That is the case with Rosa Oria, who shows that we are dealing with a great artist that masters this medium in both ways. Psychologically, she dares to melt in a single image two different personalities, facing the challenge that this constitutes. Technically, she demonstrates her extraordinary knowledge of painting and colour...
Even though Rosa's potrait fusions are completely original in their conception, I find it impossible not to relate them in some way with the portraits of two artists from far removed time periods and also very different styles. Giuseppe Arcimboldo, with his reknowned portraits in which he combined different natural objects; and Andy Warhol, with his well-known Marilyn and Mao Tse Tung series.
Her portraits of painter Maruja Mallo, Rosa's self-portrait with Frida Kahlo, and her portrait of Scarlett Johansson as the Girl with a Pearl Earring, are all good examples of her creative capacity and technique.
Her protraits of Native Americans are also very interesting. These portraits were undoubtedly handled with loving care — I would guess with the intention of restoring their characteristic dignity and beauty.
Claudio Alvargonzález, 16, 1º
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 9:00-13:00/16:00-19:00
S-D Cerrado
C/ Óscar Olavarría, 11 Bajo
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 12:00-13:30/18:30-21:00
Sáb. 12:00-13:30
C/ Tránsito de la Corrada, 1
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón