The University of Oviedo's Department of Geography, with the sponsorship of the Alvargonzalez Foundation, releases a €4,000 research grant dedicated to the carrying out of a research proyect in Geography of the candidate's choice.
1. Spanish nationals who have graduated in Geography may apply for this grant.
2. The research project will be carried out within a year from the date the decision of the grant is communicated.
3. The payment of the grant will be transferred to the grantee in the following way: €2,000 at the start of the project; €1,000 after it is approved by the Alvargonzalez Foundation; and the remaining €1,000 will be paid after the project is finished.
4. The decision of the grant will be made by a jury composed of a chairman, the Alvargonzalez Foundation Director; a member of the board of trustees; two professors from the University of Oviedo's Department of Geography. In the event of a tied vote, the chairman shall have the casting vote.
5. The candidates will issue, within the stated deadline, the following documents:
- Written application with the candidate's personal data and the explicit acceptance of the grant's terms and conditions.
- Personal academic record
- Brief report of the project to be carried out by the candidate.
6. By applying to this grant, the candidates renounce to all kinds of legal or extra-legal action against the decision of the jury, and fully accept the terms and conditions of this grant.
7. If deemed necessary, the Alvargonzalez Foundation will arrange a meeting with the candidates, or the grantee, for any necessary clarifications.
8. The research project will have to be published along with a reference to the awarded grant.
9. The Alvargonzalez Foundation may reserve their right to completely or partially publish the research project, communicating their decision to the author in advance.
10. Duties of the beneficiary:
- Communicate by hand his acceptance of the grant, once he receives the official decision of the jury.
- Carry out the research project according to the stated deadlines.
- Refer to the Alvargonzalez Foundation, within six months of the acceptance of the grant, a report of the research undertaken during this time period. The second payment of the grant will be cancelled if the candidate does not present this report, or if the report fails to be approved by the Foundation.
- Issue a copy of the research project, once finished, to the Alvargonzalez Foundation.
- Refund the payments of the grant if he renounces to carry out the research project.
11. The Alvargonzalez Foundation may determine, without being subject to subsequent appeal by the grantee, that the grant be revoked if the candidate does not obey to his obligations, stated in the Terms and Conditions.
12. The candidate may present his documentation at the University of Oviedo's Department of Geography (Campus del Milán, s/n, OVIEDO), or at the Alvargonzalez Foundation's headquarters (Claudio Alvargonzález, 16-1º, GIJÓN) within a month from the issuing of the current call of the grant.
13. The jury will award the grant within a month after the end of the applications deadline.
14. If, according to the jury, the research projects do not meet the requirements, the grant will be declared void.
Oviedo, 1st October 2019
Besides he was born in La Coruña, he moved to Madrid to study. The most relevant positions he held along his life were professor and director of the Botanical Garden in La Habana and Paris. He was member of the Politic and Social Science Academy in Paris. He was deported from France after the revolution in 1848, and he returned to Spain. In 1854 he was designated member of the Courts. During his life he developed a huge scientific and journalistic activity. He passed away in 1871.
Claudio Alvargonzález, 16, 1º
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 9:00-13:00/16:00-19:00
S-D Cerrado
C/ Óscar Olavarría, 11 Bajo
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 12:00-13:30/18:30-21:00
Sáb. 12:00-13:30
C/ Tránsito de la Corrada, 1
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón