2018. Ramón Alvargonzález Rodríguez y Manuel Alvargonzález Fernández
These series of photographs that today see the light under the title Gijón: la ciudad industrial burgesa (1880-1920) (Gijón, the Industrial Burgueois City (1880-1920)), are a compilation made by the man that was the mayor of said city between 1886 and 1890, Alejandro Alvargonzález Alvargonzález, who was as well a notable erudite person with different interests.
P.V.P.: 30€
Facsimile reprint of the life of Captain-General of the Spanish Navy, D. Federico Gravina y Napoli, written in 1956 by Carmen Fernández de Castro A.C.I.
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-09-053988
P.V.P.: 25€
2018.Agustín Guzmán Sancho.
La última travesía de Jovellanos (Jovellanos' Last Journey) is in fact the thanatography of Jovino, a biography that starts where the rest end, as it describes the “bio” of don Gaspar’s death, narrating the facts that surrounded it: his return to Gijón, his escape by sea until arriving at Puerto de Vega, his wish to die on Spanish land…
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-09-01577-1
P.VP.: 15€
María Varela y Yolanda Velasco.
This book, aimed at an infant audience, is the third title of María Varela and graphic designer Yolanda Velasco, and it is addressed to children from 0 to 5 years old.
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-697-7259-1 P.V.P.: 10€
2017. Juan Carlos Aparicio Vega.
This work is the first outcome of a more ambicious project whose intention is to put back into the asturian art's scene one of its main figures during the central decades of the 20thcentury. Thus, it is a step forward to the final revision of the biography and artistic trajectory of the painter and cartoonist Mariano Moré Cors (1899 - 1974).
I.S.B.: 978-84-697-4190-0 P.V.P.: 15€
2017. Diego Quevedo Carmona y Alejandro Anca Alamillo
This book tries to be a summary of all the medals that. of naval thematic, have been coined in the last 150 years. Throughout its pages, as well, all of them are contextualized with images, mainly unpublished, of the motives they commemorate.
2016. Ramón Alvargonzález
It is a series of 51 short essayS, already published in the asturian press, assembled in the thematic chapters Geopolitics, Society, City and territory, University, Asturias, Gijón and Hodgepodge.
I.S.B.N.:978-84-608-7771-4 P.V.P.:10 €
2016 Alicia Vallina
Demarcated in a tumultuos period of social, political and cultural changes, the personality of Evaristo Valle is disposed at the same time as his art. A universal art but with strong regionalist bonds which will have in painting and literature its principal exhibitions of geniality. With an accented poetic sense, Vallina goes into the complex and contradictory personality of an exceptional man that transcends and elevates sacred from the very art.
I.S.B.N.:978-84-608-6655-8 P.V.P.:20 €
2015. Marcelino González
This book, which follows the pattern of the two previous books by the same author, is a collection of biographies of many other ships. It starts with their designs, construction and appearances in history until their disappearance due to sinking, breaking up, sale or any other circumstance.
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-608-2444-2 P.V.P.: 20 €
This book collects a selection of FRANK’s (1887- 1970) wide photographic work. He was educated in St. Louis (U.S.A) under the guidance of the photographer of German origin, Jacob Haas.
Having spent great part of his professional career in Mieres, he was a prominent photographer of the most diverse landscapes, social events, human and professional groups and types.
I.S.B.N: 978-84-608-3570-7 P.V.P: 25 €
2015. Evaristo Martínez-Radío
Evaristo Martínez–Radio, a young historian with a great enthusiasm for the study of the Peninsular War, offers us a study of a form of popular participation in the war, the Alarma, which was important in the first years of the conflict in Asturias and has caught the attention of historians such as André Fugier.
I.S.B.N: 9778-84-606-8240-0 P.V.P: 15 €
2015. Ramón Mª Alvargonzález Rodríguez
The connection of the Alvargonzález family with the Navy extends, in an uninterrupted way from the end of the 18th century until nowadays. During more than two centuries, and through six consecutive generations, thirty Alvargonzález have occupied the professional and complementary hierarchy in the Navy: twenty-four in the General Corps, three in the Navy Infantry, two in the Juridical Corps and one in the Archives. Extended edition, both of texts and images.
P.V.P: 5 €
2015. Manuel Álvarez-Valdés y Valdés
In his new contribution Jovellanos, Manuel Alvarez-Valdes presents 130 documents, many of them unpublished, on different circumstances of life of Jovellanos, their work, or their family, social and political environment. With his well-known rigor and scholarship, plus textual fixation of each document, the author provides for each successful critical comment.
ISBN: 978-89-606-8617-5 RPP: 35 €
2014. Pedro Fernández Núñez, José Mª Mosquera Gómez; José Manuel Budiño Carlés
This book brings to the general public, and especially to the researcher, a list of the boats that were part of the Spanish Royal Navy from the unification of different fleets in 1700 until nowadays. This list is alphabetically sorted by the name of each boat, and it also includes a record of the most important events they took part. It also includes the different names that every ship could have and the characteristics of the boat or boats of the same class.
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-617-1103-1 RPP: 50 €
2014. Ramón Mª Alvargonzález Rodríguez
The connection of the Alvargonzález family with the Army extends, in a uninterrupted way from the end of the 18th century until nowadays. During more than two centuries, and through six consecutive generations, thirty Alvargonzález have occupied the professional and complementary hierarchy in the Navy: twenty-four in the General Corps, three in the Navy Infantry, two in the Juridical Corps and one in the Archives.
RPP: 5 €
2013. Héctor Blanco González
In 2013 it is the 80th anniversary of “La Escalerona”, a work of the architect José Avelino Díaz y Fernández-Omaña, when the mayor was Gil Fernández Barcia.
Today, in order to pay a tribute in this date, Héctor Blanco, a renowned author about our History of the Architecture, offers us a documented work where it is puzzled out all the “contexts” of this singular work, from the international, the national and the local scope.
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-616-6340-8 RPP: 10 €
2013. Raúl de Santiago Iglesias
The 8th of March of 1913 began the academic year in the new Naval Military School, located in the city of San Fernando (Cádiz), resuming the formation of the future officers of the Army General Corps. In the classrooms were taught a total of one thousand two-hundred and seventy-three navy and midshipman contenders. In January of 1943 joined the last promotion that in in the summer of the same year was moved to the new facilities in the Naval Military School of Marín (Pontevedra).
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-616-4699-9 RPP: 20€
2012. Marcelino González Fernández
"Otros 50 barcos españoles" is a collection of biographies of fifty boats, from their design and construction to the disappearance due to sinking, scrapping, sale or any other circumstance. The collection goes from 1600, when the ship San Diego, the first boat mentioned, sank, to the year 2011, when the BIO Hespérides put an end to the expedition entitled “Malaspina Project”. There are 50 boats that with bigger or smaller influence have contributed to write the Spanish naval and maritime history.
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-615-9113-8 RPP: 20 €
2012. Manuel Álvarez-Valdés y Valdés
This book is written with the wish to bring a total vision, impartial and updated, about Jovellano’s life, his complex psychology, and his thoughts in the fields of politics, justice, economy, pedagogy, religion and issues related to the aristocracy. It counts with about 1,000 pages and 2,533 notes and diverse publications.
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-8459-668-4 RPP 35€
(Antigüedad compartida por los pueblos galaicos, lusos del Norte, asturianos, leoneses, cántabros y castellanos viejos). 2012. Juan Gómez y G. de la Buelga
In this book it is addressed a historical vision of the primitive villages in the Northern Hispania, a territory that was never in fully control of the Saracens, and that was called Gallaecia. The formation of the “Asturleonés” Kingdom that united in a single political entity, underlining the role that their territory develop as the main setting for the “Reconquista” until the freedom of Toledo in the end of the 11th century.
ISBN: 978-84-615-7917-4 RPP: 10€
2010. Alejandro Anca Alamillo
Showing his usual erudition, the author of this book researched on a little-know chapter of the history of the Spanish Army, the relevant role in the First Carlist War (1833-1839); a campaign in which it enlisted, in 1834, its first steam boat, under the name Isabel II.
ISBN: 978-84-614-6849-2 RPP: 15 €
2010. Manuel Soler
In this book, the author, Manuel Soler, captain of the Merchant Marine, tell his beginnings in the world of sailing and his experiences on the boats in which he was enrolled along his professional career. Between 1958 and 1989, Soler sailed from bridge pupil to captain in twelve different boats along 7 seas of the planet. This work is the portrait of a period and men in the history of the Spanish Merchant Marine.
ISBN: 978-84-614-6678-8 PVP: 15 €
2009. Edición de Valentín Álvarez
This book gather a collection of 170 photographies, selected and prepared by Valentín Álvarez, about the factory in Trubia and its social environment, since the 19th century to the 1960s. There are gathered up images of the factory, its location and numerous ludic, musical and sport events where the people of Trubia had a leading role.
ISBN: 978-84-613-5747-5 OUT OF STOCK
2009. María Varela Álvarez y Covadonga Valdés Moré
In this second children’s book published by the Alvargonzález Foundation, the authors, María Varela Álvarez and Covadonga Valdés Moré, achieve a direct tale, expressive and full of color aiming the children who are starting to read.
ISBN: 978-84-613-6612-5 PVP: 18 €
2009. Marcelino González
This book narrates the life and activities of 50 Spanish boats, in a period between the ending of the 15th century, whit Colon’s ships, and the 20th century. They are mentioned in a more or less chronologic order according to their historical appearance, launching or brought into service.
ISBN: 978-84-613-3182-6 OUT OF STOCK
2008. Héctor Blanco González
To commemorate the 110th anniversary (1898-2009) of the birth in Gijón of the architect Manuel García Rodríguez, it is presented this work related to his most relevant projects, located in his home city and the cities of Ribadesella and Llanes, and attached in their vast majority to a rationalist architectonical language.
RPP: 15 €
2008. Juan Gómez y G. de la Buelga
“El ocaso de los hidalgo y la Guerra de la independencia en Asturias” analyzes the evolution of the costumes in the Nalón Valley during the death rattle of the Ancien Régime, regarding to the figures inhabiting the House of Buelga until the middle of the 20th century. Two successive events the implied deep changes in the life of the people of Langreo are studied: the Independence War and the Industrial Revolution derived from the coal exploitation, which ended with the end of the old and traditional entailed estates.
ISBN: 978-84-612-5394-4 RPP: 15 €
2008. Artemio Mortera
With more than a century of distance to the lost of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines, the author makes a detailed research of the Spanish and American fleets, their coastal defenses, as well as the progrees of the political and military events in 1898. The result is a unique research, deeply illustrated, about the condition of the military forces in the conflict, essential to know the causes of the lost of our colonial empire.
ISBN: 978-84-612-3591-9 RPP: 20 €
2007. Alejandro Anca Alamillo
In this new work of the prolific naval historian there are described, with the support of numerous graphic testimonies, the works, rooms, work-shops and unities built during the period between 1801 and 1908.
ISBN: 978-84-611-8426-2 RPP: 10 €
2007. Artemio Mortera Pérez
In this research about the naval artillery during the Spanish Civil War, Artemio Mortera makes a individualized investigation about the pieces mounted in every unit involved, with a brief technical description, in order to collect afterwards all the important events where they were involved. This approach also allows telling the naval history of the Spanish Civil War, because there are the cannons, the weapons, what makes the boats become war boats and the nautical days become a military campaign.
ISBN: 84-611-4711-1 OUT OF STOCK
2007. Manuel Álvarez-Valdés y Valdés
In a new research, the author makes a study of different episodes of the life and work of Jovellanos. Thus, contributions and interpretations begin to emerge, some of them originals, as the limitation of the influence over the Gijón-born erudite Pablo de Olavide, his period in the Academy of History, his poisoning, neglected by some historians and probed by experts of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Asturias. Lastly, it also devotes a chapter to the figure of Jovellanos’ loyal fiend Juan Agustín Ceán Bermudez.
ISBN: 84-611-2346-7 RPP: 20€
2006. Gonzalo Suárez Pomeda
First biography of Aurelio Suárez (1910-2003) who was born in Gijón, prominent representative of the Spanish surrealist painting from the second half of the 20th century. Together with the references to his bibliographical information, of his family and social environment, and his art styles, we find a wide sample of his pictorial works in his different stages.
ISBN: 84-611-2128-7 RPP: 30€
Catalog of the exhibition about the works of Abelardo Suárez Ibaseta (1882-1956) held in the exhibition hall of the Alvargonzález Foundation between the 22nd of September and the 27th of October of 2006. It contains explanative texts about his works and photographies of it, as well as about the work of his sons: Gonzalo, that made miniatures inside of glass bottles and bookbinding; Aurelio, who made gouaches and comics published in the newspaper “La Prensa”; and Alfredo, a prominent ex libiris author.
ISBN: 84-611-2127-9 RPP: 25€
2006. Alberto Orte Lledó
The main setting of the adventure narrated in this book is the Atlantic Ocean, between New Spain and Cadiz Bay. That historical moment comes together with very important events to the Spanish Navy as well as changes in the sciences that are fundamental in the art of sailing. All these elements will be appearing long the book together with the events narrated. But among everything, the reader will have occasion to check the features of New Spain fleet, how last Veracruz’s fleet comeback was organized and was the basic method of navigation of that period and the uncertainty it implied.
ISBN: 84-611-1340-3 OUT OF STOCK
2005. Ramón Medio Fernández
The two originals gathered here have various topics, but they still have some thematic links that point to the nature of its author. One tackles the description of a syndrome called AMSS (Adverse Monothematic Stability Syndrome), related to several form of the mental pathology. The other deals with central psychiatric issues like taxonomy. Both parts show great creative capacity and originality.
ISBN: 84-932703-8-5 RPP: 20€
2005. María Varela Álvarez y Covadonga Valdés Moré
This is the first book published by the Alvargonzález Foundation devoted to the children. It tells Juana’s story, a ladybug that loses her shell and her search, with the help of her sparrow friend, all over the meadows for someone being able to help her in getting a new one. The text was written by María Varela Álvarez, a school teacher, and the illustrations were made by Covadonga Valdés Moré, Graduated in Fine Arts. Together they create a simple style in this book aimed for the first-time readers, with plasticity and very colorist.
ISBN: 84-932703-9-3 RPP: 15 €
2005.Artemio Mortera Pérez
It is a research made by the weapon factory at Trubia about the production of pieces and ammunition through its stock for the Spanish Army. Since its foundation in 1794, it always had as particular aim to be pioneer in terms of technological level, wit dedication and hard work of all the men ruling the factory. The author divides the history of the factory in six periods, mentioning in each of them the most important war incidents in the period.
ISBN: 84-932763-7-7 OUT OF STOCK
2005.Antonio Fontela Talín
Throught the life of this relevant character, the author drives us along the history of Spain. The itinerary begins with the First Republic, passing through the Restoration and end in the last years of the crown of Alfonso XIII. The author was a prominent researcher of the jurisprudence and a skilled businessman, but maybe his most known face is politician and his steps through three different ministries: Internal Revenue, State and Public Instruction. This work is essential to know the politic, social and economic history of Gijon and the booming Asturian industrialization,
ISBN: 84-932703-6-9 RPP: 20 €
2004. Juan Gómez y González de la Buelga
This book can be considered a continuation of “Los hidalgos langreanos”, written by the same author and published by the foundation in 1994. Through the research of several families that lived in the villeges of the actual county of Langreo and San martin del Rey Aurelio, the reader gets immerse in the daily life, work and family relationships of the rural towns between the 16th and the 17th century.
ISBN: 84-932703-5-0 RPP: 10 €
2003. Héctor Blanco
The archictecture done in Gijón from 1950 onwards shows a clear revival of the spirit of modernity cut short due to the Civil War. Through the works of 17 architects living in the city during those years it is unveiled a rich architectonic patrimony, in part missed or altered, that also shows a high degree of vulnerability due to its lack of cataloging and administrative protection.
ISBN: 84-932703-4-2 RPP: 10 €
2003. Julio Somoza
Under the title “La Esquirpia”, a word from an Asturian dialect that mean series of hazelnut tree sticks that are hugging around the board from the typical Asturian cart, Julio Somoza, a scholar from Gijón that lived between 1848 and 1940, presents us a miscellaneous of articles (some of them new and some other printed in newspapers as book prologues) that have a topic in common are the issues fulfilling his life: Gijón, Asturias and Jovellanos.
ISBN: 84-932703-2-6 RPP: 15 €
2003. Fotografías de José R. Cuervo - Arango
It is a great catalog of the exhibition held in the Hall of the Alvargonzález Foundation between the 27th of December of 2002 and the 24th of January of 2003. There are collected 43 photographies centered in the renewal of the landscape, resulting in a quiet work, welcoming and perfectionist that achieves to transmit the magic of the daily spectacle that would happen unnoticed without her artist glance.
ISBN: 84-932703-1-8 RPP: 20 €
2002. Pilar Peñalba Hernández y Camino Álvarez Alonso
It is a book collecting a valuable set of 142 medals from the collection o the Naval Museum in Madrid, dating from 1519 to 1899 and that illustrate many of the most important combats and happenings of the naval history of Spain and its territories overseas during these four centuries.
ISBN: 84-932703-0-X RPP: 20 €
2002. Manuel Álvarez-Valdés y Valdés
It is psychological analysis of Jovellanos, written with the exactitude of a doctoral thesis. In this book there are quotes of contemporaries or scholars about his figure and extracts of his letters, bringing as result an interesting book where it is joint the prudency and the exactitude of a jurist with the good sense of the historian.
ISBN: 84-922159-9-2 OUT OF STOCK
2001. Héctor Blanco González
Curious small format work where are collected 126 photographies and 126 sculpture representations of faces, human faces in the majority of the cases. They decorate Gijón’s Old Town, and they go from the High Middle Ages to the avant-gardes from the 20th century, passing through the Renaissance and the Baroque.
ISBN: 84-922159-8-4 RPP: 10 €
2001. Pedro de Teixeira. Edición de Ramón Alvargonzález Rodríguez
In 1622, the portuguese mapmaker Pedro de Teixeira received the real assignment to make a tachometry of the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula; he was occupied of this task until 1630, when it is dated the “Description of the Coasts and Ports of Spain”, a manuscript from the National Library, without maps and published in 1910.
A part of the maps, that were considered lost, are in a manuscript in the University of Uppsala, el “Compendivm Geographicum”, that is released today, coinciding with the celebration in Madrid of the 19th International Congress if History of the Geography.
ISBN: 84-922159-7-6 RPP. 20 €
2000. Héctor Blanco
In the first third of the 20th century, Miguel García de la Cruz occupied the position of municipal architect of Gijón. In this position he designed the “Muro de San Lorenzo” promenade, “Carmen” square,etc. and at the same time he projected an endless number of public and private buildings where he shwn his evolution from modernism to rationalism.
ISBN: 84-922159-5-X RPP: 15 €
2000. Ramón Mª Alvargonzález Rodríguez y Maximino Roza Candás
The generalized drainage of the marsh in the estuaries of the Cantabrian Spain from the middle of the 19th century is produced in Avilés until 1870 around the historical city. From 1870 to 1917 in the left bank of the sea inlet, at the same time a road in constructed near the coast, the railroad and the new coal port “San Juan de Nieva”. The establishment of ENDESA en decade of the 50s opened a stage in generalized massive drainage than reaches until today, in the depths of the sea inlet and the right bank.
ISBN: 84-922159-4-1 OUT OF SOTCK
2000. Estudio preliminar de José Ramón García López
This work is divided in three parts: The first one is a research about the guilds of sailors, their origin in Spain, their decadency and later liquidation of their patrimony in Gijón. The second part is related with ordinance of the sailor guilds in Gijón in 1679. The last part consists of six appendixes about certain matters related to that guild during 400 years of experience.
ISBN: 84-922159-3-3 RPP: 10 €
José Avelino Díaz (1889-1964) is one of the most representative architects from the Generation of 1925 in Asturias. The generation of the 1925 was a group that introduced the rationalist architecture in Spain. His works can be found in the cities of Mieres, Oviedo and Gijón; Alfonso II Secudary School in Oviedo and the “Escalerona” in Gijón are some of their most emblematic works.
ISBN: 84-607-0346-0 RPP: 10 €
1999. Ramón Mª. Alvargonzález Rodríguez
This Works deals with the largest and most complex historical periphery in Asturias, the parish of Somió that since the middle of the 19th century began an area of summer tourism. It started back then its mutation into the category of rural space traditional from the suburban sphere of low density. The book reflects an effort for the documental and bibliographic analysis with new contributions en the researches about these urban spaces.
ISBN: 84-922159-1-7 OUT OF STOCK
1999. Rafael Alvargonzález Cruz
With this text, the multifaceted author pretends to treat two distinguished parts very related between them like means for physics measurements that supported on the basic structure of the physic reality and the quantification of length, time and energy. It is ended with some accurate personal conclusions.
ISBN: 84-9221-59-2-5 RPP: 10 €
1998. Juan Gómez y González de la Buelga
The author has been spending years about the life and habits of the people in the Valle del Nalón, in Asturias, after examining thousands of documents from different national archives. It is a compilation of those documents as well as other historical sources, and they took place in the counties of Langreo, San Martín del Rey Aurelio and Laviana. They are told in an easy and funny way and complemented with some amusing hand-made drawings.
ISBN: 84-605-8998-6 RPP: 10 €
1998. Carlos Vila Miranda
The one who was Chief of the Defensive Staff of the Navy, the Admiral Carlos Vila Miranda, analyzes in this book, using unprecedented sources from the national archives and the Library of Congress of the United States of America, the role of the Navy in the Cuban Independence War, that ended with the lost of the Naval Combat Fleet Santiago de Cuba.
ISBN: 84-605-7856-9 OUT OF STOCK
1998. Francisco Tuero Bertrand
In this book it is covered an incident that seems more fictional than a historical fact of the Modern Age: the supposed curse on Carlos II and the following inquisitorial process against the people involved. Among others, the priestesses of a convent in Cangas de Tineo, who assured to have visions probing the curse of the King.
ISBN: 84-605-7917-4 RPP: 10 €
1997. José Cervera Pery
The author of this book analyzes the main aspects and sides of the “Casa de la Contratación” in it support structural, economic, to the trade-unions, scientific, juridical and political, mainly studying in the last one through the Council of Indies. He focuses on its responsibilities and competency respecting the Chaunu,a miraculous authority that during centuries covered under its name the achievements and troubles of the Indies’ Race.
ISBN: 84-923067-3-4 RPP: 15 €
1997. Javier de Santiago y Hoppe
The vicisitudes of the Pacific Fleet were gathered in a collection of feather drawings from a contemporary of the expedition, the soldier Javier de Santiago y Hoppe. They were deposited in the collection of the Naval Museum of Madrid and now they are shown with a previous research from José Ramón García Martínez, the greatest specialist about the Pacific Wars.
ISBN: 84-86889-50-2 RPP: 25 €
1997. Florencio Friera Suárez
In this book it is covered, step by step, the political and intellectual life of the writer Pérez de Ayala, who was born in Oviedo. He could not avoid the ups and downs of an agitated and tumultuous Spain during the Civil War. In consequence, he had to compromise himself with the political ideologies that were able to remedy the endemic mistakes of our society.
ISBN: 84-605-4422-2 OUT OF STOCK
1996. Ramón Alvargonzález Rodríguez
The architect who was born in Madrid José María Mendoza Ussía was a prominent lover of photography, and in his holidays in Asturias during the 20s left a wide testimony of the landscapes and human varieties of the region. In the frame of the pictorialist tradition of great quality, the reader will be able to appreciate the thematic repertory touched by the author.
ISBN: 84-922159-0-9 OUT OF STOCK
1995. Honorio Feito
Evaristo Fernández San Miguel y Valledor, who was born in Gijon in 1785 and died in Madrid in 1862, was a prominent liberal politician of the first half od the XIX century barely known by the public. Through the pages of this book the reader can know the dense biography of the General San Miguel, a declared defender of the constitution who is said to create Riego’s Anthem.
ISBN: 84-605-4422-2 RPP. 15 €
1995. Maximino Roza Candás
The practice of bathes with pleasure or therapeutical goals began to generalize in the Cantabrian Spain since the half of the XIX century, when the course of the train allowed the arrival of tourists. In this book the reader will find a detailed chronicle of the coastal spas in Asturias, where it has two important centers in Gijón and Avilés, and other secondary centers in the town of the East: Ribadesella and Llanes.
ISBN: 84-605-3416-2 RPP: 10 €
1994. Juan Gómez y González de la Buelga
Throught the history of a family that lived during centuries at the Casona de la Buelga in Ciaño (Langreo), it is presented to us a complete image of the historic past from Nalon Valley in the modern age. The reader would know the pass of the life in the valley, the problems concerning the inhabitants, the activities developed and even how they dressed or how it was the decoration of their houses.
ISBN: 84-605-1510-9 OUT OF STOCK
1993. Ramón Alvargonzález Rodríguez
Wide collection of photographies, unpublished until this date, about 20s and 30s Gijon. In addition to a series of aerial photographies, there will be published some views of urban landscapes, San Lorenzo beach, the local port and El Musel, the trade fair. The collection is preceded of a biographical research about the author of the photographies.
ISBN: 84-604-7444-5 OUT OF STOCK
1992. Rafael Alvargonzález Cruz
In this Philosophical Politics essay it is traced a panorama of the politic scenarios where it is aimed to arrive from our today through determined action programs. Those scenarios, the “horizons”, as contrasted with some “frontiers” that are the limits imposed by Nature’s laws. They are limits attached the reality of the human condition, and transcending it, they are imposed by certain principles of the Pure Reason, like the contradiction.
ISBN: 84-604-4288-8 RPP: 10 €
1990. Ramón Alvargonzález Rodríguez
Between 1870 and 1970 the networks of intra-urban transport were made, in Spain, by trams. The first ones had animal-drawn traction and then electric. In this book the reader will find a detailed research about the origins, the development and the end of the tram networks in Gijon between 1890 and 1964 with plenty of information about the route and the carriages.
Claudio Alvargonzález, 16, 1º
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 9:00-13:00/16:00-19:00
S-D Cerrado
C/ Óscar Olavarría, 11 Bajo
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 12:00-13:30/18:30-21:00
Sáb. 12:00-13:30
C/ Tránsito de la Corrada, 1
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón