Marco Navas
Some of us write poems, scrawl hendecasyllables or Alexandrine verses in a sheet of paper or in a computer screen. Others, just like my dear and admired friend Marco Navas, sculpts his poems in three dimensions, recreating in his sculptures the great myths of literature, history, comic, fantasy...
Authors: Mónica García, Juan Lorenzo, Beatriz Montes, Vanessa Rodrigo, Raquel García, Marta Alvergonzález, Miguel Martínez, Fernando Trabanco, Juan Carlos Hernández, Noldi, Juan José Lorenzo, Luis Alvargonzález.
Three challengues: an essence, a diptych, a history.
A technical development, ideas and concepts come together in this display sample formed by twelve participants of the I Photographic Workshop organised by the Alvargonzález Foundation in cooperation with the photographer Julio Calvo.
"Heart and mind are the true lens of the camera". Yousuf Karsh.
Javier Guitiérrez López-Vázquez
This tour through Jovellanos' villa does not pretend to evoke you great emotions, or awake feelings or special emotions, but it does aspire to be a pleasant walk, in which you can stop, if you wish, to comtemplate small images that for certain, some of them will be familiar, and others not that much.
Ángel Rodríguez Prieto
Paulino Fernández Domínguez
Quarantine express the time passed since our first individual exhibition in 1976 and we both did separately in the Ateneo Jovellanos, until the actual one, in which we have maintained our painting in quarantine for periods of time due to performing independent occupations of that of artistic painter, however, we have never forgot the brush.
PAULINO FERNÁNDEZ DOMÍNGUEZ (PAFEDO). Langreo, 1953. Muralist painter and graphic designer.
ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ PRIETO (ANROPRI). Gijón, 1956. Draftsman, financial and state agent, artistic painter.
Sonia Díaz Polonio
Looking again at the paintings the spectator has in front of him in this exhibition room demands the same as making a stop in the journey: stop, take a breath, look for a position for resting and consider. Because these paintings demand it. It is not about colours over paper or coloured paper either. They are not rests nor recesses or stops of the ones that in order to find themselves, without anger, look for a definition own by itself and only by itself,...
César Castaño
Life has many twists and turns, we already know that, and if someone has doubts, ask César Castaño. Novelgas-Madrid-Novelgas. A very important part of his vital experience have been in these places.
He is young, 44 years old. At the age of thirty he packed his suitcase and moved his anxieties to Madrid. There, he finished off transforming one of his passions, music, in a way of living: he made himself a music promoter. Nothing new, he has directed for thirteen years the International Folk Competion of "Cuarto de los Valles" in Navelgas.
Homage to Claudio Alvargonzález Sánchez (1816-1896)
The next Friday 8th of July will take place the 150th anniversay of the Commemoration of the Pacific Campaign and homage ceremony to Claudio Alvargonzález Sánchez (1816-1896) in the stairway next to the Naval Headquearters of Principado de Asturias (C/Claudio Alvargonzález, 18) and afterwards in the Exhibition Hall of the Alvargonzález Foundation (C/Óscar Olavarría nº11).
Ángela Brachetti-Tschohl
Doctor in Anthropology. Photojournalist.
Fotographies of burial rituals in the Andes of Peru and Bolivia in the days of All Saints.
The first of November is named as the "Day of the Living". A table is put in the houses, called altar, with one or several pictures of the deceased, with different objects: an onion flourishing, for the thirst, a flame (made of bread), that carries the objects of the deceased, and his or her favourite meal...
César Saez
Lost in my canvas, adding sensations and shades, my night is not pleased with the same spectrum of colors, it needs some to emphasise, to intensify and be confused or forms sometimes odd or sometimes whimsical to appear.
César Saez.Day-to-day.
TESELAS Collective
A crime scene
The crime scene, the depiction of a society that throws away the ideals of millions of women. It is the same society that condemns them to be victims judging them relentless. Women tangled for their fresh and white meat or for their ebony skin or their large eyes. The executioner lives with them, eats with them, sleeps with them. Better erase the footprints than investigate them...
Montse Medina Escofet
“Traveller, there is no path, the path is made by walking.”
Montsé started doing education-oriented research in the art world, she enjoyed the study of technical developments and the possibilities opened up by 21st century art.
Gabi Prats
In the sea of tranquillity, echoes of faraway mermaids are heard, echoes from other worlds… listen to them, imagining the sounds from the back of a photograph.
Itziar Sánchez Chicharro
“The distant horizon, the subtly treated light and the application of colour shape a very material and rich in contrast work in which Itziar Sánchez Chicharro creates an apparently simple painting which makes us think about a long pictorial career from Turner to Rothko…
Carlos Becerra. Author
Noelia Nachón Fernández
“Partes a parte” is a sort of inner retrospective which aims to look into the essential of the individual: the study of its form, composition and functioning. A plastic vision of the world’s most perfect machine, the human body; allowing the viewer to interpret the degree of closeness between art and reality.
Claudio Alvargonzález, 16, 1º
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 9:00-13:00/16:00-19:00
S-D Cerrado
C/ Óscar Olavarría, 11 Bajo
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 12:00-13:30/18:30-21:00
Sáb. 12:00-13:30
C/ Tránsito de la Corrada, 1
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón