Among these Statutes, the main and immediate goals are:
Encourage and promote culture through financial support to individuals or legal entities oriented to technical and scientific research or other cultural activity, with the possibility of creating scholarships, grant programmes and developing awards.
Encourage and promote visual arts and literature with the widest procedures and means, including the organization of contests and exhibitions, the creation of study scholarships and the execution of any activity aimed to the artistic development.
Promote the study, research and development of any issue related to the Spanish Navy, either military or commercial, with the creation of scholarships and other assistance for the completion of studies and research works.
Promote activities and research works about the City of Gijon and the original urbanized core, Cimadevilla neighborhood or the region of Asturias in the historic, economic or any other aspect.
The conservation of the building known as “La Corrada” where the main headquarters of the foundation are placed and to make up a documentary and iconographic archive related to the Alvargonzález family, promoting the performance and publication of study works related to the mentioned family including the publication of a no regular newsletter with information about the family providing news about its evolution.
Constitute in the building knows as “La Corrada” a Cultural Center to help in the previously listed aims, performing seminars, exhibitions , conferences, etc.
Promote the edition of books, magazines, brochures and loose leaves spreading the study works and ideas constituting the Foundation goals.
Any other activity that the Board of Trustees considers suitable to fulfill the foundational goals.
Ministry of Culture Protectorate registration number: 209
Claudio Alvargonzález, 16, 1º
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 9:00-13:00/16:00-19:00
S-D Cerrado
C/ Óscar Olavarría, 11 Bajo
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón
L-V 12:00-13:30/18:30-21:00
Sáb. 12:00-13:30
C/ Tránsito de la Corrada, 1
33201 Cimadevilla - Gijón